Brothels of Nevada

A ‘Pleasure Menu’ advertising different brothels across Nevada.

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Nevada’s history of legalized prostitution dates back to the mid-19th century when it was formally regulated to address the needs of transient populations during the mining boom. Since then, the state has maintained a unique legal framework allowing certain counties to permit and regulate brothels, distinguishing Nevada as the only U.S. state with legalized and regulated prostitution in specified areas.

This uncommon piece of advertising ephemera encourages the audience to “see some of our prime virgin territory.” A pictorial map of Nevada dated 1980 labels over three dozen brothels across the state, several of which hosted private airstrips! Opening the menu offers a list of the various services available, along with illustrated vignettes noting Free Drinks, Group Rates, and Discount to Cowboys.


Map Details

Publication Date: 1980

Author: Anonymous

Sheet Width (in): 8.5

Sheet Height (in): 11

Condition: B+

Condition Description: Folding menu with scattered soiling and faint stains on the front cover. Light wear and manuscript signature on the second page. Good to very good overall. Blank on verso.

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